The Applied Statistics in English Language Education course is designed to provide a deep understanding of statistical concepts and their application in the context of English language education. This course aims to equip students in the English Language Education program with relevant statistical skills to support data analysis in educational research.
The content covered includes basic statistical concepts, data collection techniques, quantitative data analysis, and interpretation of results. Students will study statistical methods relevant to research in the context of learning and teaching English, such as regression analysis, hypothesis testing, probability distribution, and sampling techniques.
Material Development & ELT Media
Mata kuliah ini mengkaji
tentang pengembangan media pembelajaran dan inovasi pembelajaran, yang mencakup
dasar-dasar pengembangan media mulai dari konsep media pembelajaran, pengaruh
perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terhadap media pembelajaran serta
inovasi pembelajaran hingga pengembangan dan produksi pembelajaran
Introduction to English Literature
This course provides students with the definition, identification, and basic pattern for some key concepts of literary genres: features, characteristics, formats, basic styles, and their working mechanisms, in the light of both conventional and modern perspectives.